CAP AND GOWN PHOTOS/Central Arkansas Photographer
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Friday, March 22, 2024
By The Click Chick
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Cap & gown sessions give you an excuse to just CELEBRATE everything you’ve accomplished!! Graduation is a significant moment in your life that you should capture. It is essential to have amazing photos to look back on when you are older and reflecting on this time in your life. You would want to remember what makes this season of your life so special and who was by your side throughout it. Cap and gown sessions give you a reason to celebrate everything you have accomplished. So, make sure you schedule a last photo session with your cap and gown plus college t-shirt to capture this memorable moment.

Fun Ideas For The Session!

You can bring along any props that would make your photos more meaningful!! Maybe that means your dog, the instrument you play, a uniform, a stethoscope, anything to represent your school journey or the future ahead. (pets are $50 extra)

What To Do With Your Images?

There are many options available to you once you receive your cap and gown photos. We can create stunning graduation announcements and cards, which you can send to your loved ones. This is also a great way to announce your graduation party, if you are planning to have one. Additionally, we can create thank-you cards for you. Let's face it, your mother is proud of you and wants to show off your accomplishments. Let her do so with high-quality, professional images that she can post on social media.

Let's go out with a bang. Want more info? Click the button below.

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